Aerial Ace is found midway Route 213, near the coast, under a rock. Aerial Ace is found midway Route 213, near the coast, under a rock.
all the Pokemon on route 210 in Pokemon diamond and pearl are ponyta, geodude and if your really lucky you can find onix.
Route 208 209 210
go to route 210 from Nathan
20 in 100 in pearl. 2 in 100 in diamond find em on route 209 and route 210 (south) 20 in 100 in pearl. 2 in 100 in diamond find em on route 209 and route 210 (south)
You can find it near celestic town in route 210 or 211.
you need to have a pokeradar on route 210 which you get when you beat the elite 4
all the Pokemon on route 210 in Pokemon diamond and pearl are ponyta, geodude and if your really lucky you can find onix.
On Route 210, using the PokéRadar.
Route 208 209 210
go to route 210 from Nathan
No where but in PEARL you can catch a BAGON route 210 with a pokeradar.
20 in 100 in pearl. 2 in 100 in diamond find em on route 209 and route 210 (south) 20 in 100 in pearl. 2 in 100 in diamond find em on route 209 and route 210 (south)
You can find it on route 210, or you can buy it at the Battle Tower.
You can find it near celestic town in route 210 or 211.
you can find miltank at route 209 with pokeradar (2%), and route 210 (south) also with pokeradar (2%)
You can find one at Route 210 (with Dowsing Machine), Route 228, and Iron Island.
route 210