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The boulder puzzle can be found in Sevault Canyon on Quest Island. The puzzle itself is inside a chamber called Tanoby Key. Tanoby Key is found in a cave near the north of the Canyon.

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Q: Where on island 7 is the boulder puzzle?
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Where is the cave with boulder puzzle?

On island 7, where the double battle trainers are.

How do you find the cave with boulder puzzle in Pokemon LeafGreen?

On seven island near tanoby chambers.

What is on 7 island Pokemon FireRed?

Besides the TRAINER TOWER in the north there's also the TANOBY CHAMBERS in the south which inside you can find the Pokemon unown but only after finishing the boulder puzzle in TANOBY KEY.

How do you get the boulder to move on Mythology Island?

To get the boulder to move on Mythology Island in Poptropica, first, you'll need to obtain the Golden Apple from Hercules. Once you have the apple, go to the boulder and offer it to the hungry Cyclops. The Cyclops will then move the boulder for you.

Pokemon FireRed what is tanoby chambers for?

Once you finish the boulder puzzle in the cave called Tanoby Key on Seven Island enter the Tanoby Chambers and walk around eventually a Wild Unown will appear.

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which puzzle is that which island is it on

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to move the boulder u have to have a chisel and hammer

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Birth Island has Deoxys. There's a puzzle on the island that if you complete it correctly, Deoxys will battle you. Just Google for the answer to the puzzle.

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What is with the tanoby chambers in pokemon firered?

Once you have finished the boulder puzzle in Tanoby Key which is a cave located on Seven Island you can find the pokemon Unown inside the Tanoby Chambers just walk around for a bit and you will find one.

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we have puzzle so children can play

How do you get past the boulder on mythology island?

go to youtube if u want to