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the sleeping Pokemon is unknown. you get it by doing the boulder puzzle in sevault canyon.

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Q: Where is the sleeping Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen in the monean chamber?
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What mystic Pokemon is sleeping in the monean chamber?

It's a zubat.

What is the secret to the unown on Pokemon LeafGreen?

If you look carefully in the monean chamber and viapois chamber you can find a secret unown.

Where to find unown in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Unown is a very common Pokemon that can be found in Dilford Chamber, Liptoo Chamber, Monean Chamber, Rixy Chamber, Scufib Chamber, Viapolis Chamber, and Weepth Chamber.

What Pokemon is in monean chamber?

it' an unkwown

What is inside the Monean Chamber in Pokemon leaf green?

Some Unowns

What ancient Pokemon lives in monean temple in LeafGreen?

First solve all of the puzzles in the Monean Temple. Then Unown's will be released so you can capture them.

Pokemon fire red what is n the Monean chamber?

Unown in "A" form and in "?" form

What chamber has unown I question and exclamation mark in Pokemon leaf green?

you can find unown I in Weepth chamber, unown ! in Viapois chamber, and unown ? in Monean chamber.

What legendary Pokemon is inside monean chamber in Pokemon fire red?

There are no legendaries in any of the Tanoby Chambers. Once the Tanoby Key in Sevault Canyon is completed, the Unown appear inside the ruins. The Monean Chamber is home to two species, Unown A - 99% Unown ? - 1%

Pokemon FireRed how all the unknow?

Some unown can be found in the tanoby chambers although leafgreen can get some firered doesn't so trade the leafgreen unowns to firered to get them all. Psst if you look very hard in the viapois and monean chamber you can find two secret unown: A exclamation point and question mark.

How do you awaken the mystical Pokemon in the Monean chamber in fire red?

i don't know about a mystical pokemon, but if you solve the puzzle in Tanoby Key (which is the cave in seavault canyon) Unown appear in the Monean ruin. Solve the puzzle in Tanoby Key by putting all the boulders in the holes.

What do you do when you catch the unknowns in Pokemon FireRed?

Nothing you just catch them that's it. Psst in the monean and viapois chamber you can rarely find a question and exclamation mark unown.