it is a prize at mauville game corner that can be bought for 4,000 game coins. if you dont want to keep playing the slots hoping for a jackpot, you can just buy the coins, but they are a steep price at $1000 for 50 coins; $80,000 for 4,000.
TM13 is Ice Beam, you can find it on Route 216.
You can find tm 13, Ice Beam, on the roof of the Celadon department store.
In the game Pokemon ruby destiny
no where
You can't find Eevee in Pokemon Ruby, but you can trade for it from Fire Red, Leaf Green, and XD.
TM13 is Ice Beam, you can find it on Route 216.
TM13 is found on Seafoam Island.
Pokemon ruby's version IS Pokemon ruby.
You can find tm 13, Ice Beam, on the roof of the Celadon department store.
Arceus is not possible to find in Pokemon Ruby. It was released in 2007 with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
You can find all kinds of pokemon.
You can't in ruby.
In the game Pokemon ruby destiny
Piplup is not found in Ruby.. Piplup wasn't created when they made Pokemon Ruby.
You can't find raikou in ruby.
Find pokemon!
First of all, please improve your spelling. Second, you don't FIND the Sapphire, or Ruby. There's Pokemon Sapphire AND Ruby.