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at ur estate(if u bought one from the pet store)

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Q: Where is your doodle in toontown?
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How do you train you doodle to play dead in Toontown?

buy it then say it to your doodle

How do you take your pet doodle out in toontown?

You can't.

How do you get your doodle on toontown to come in your home?

You can get a doodle on Toontown by saving up the jelly beans you get from the trolley games, and then you go to a pet shop etheir in Toontown central or one of the other playground they are located in each playground. But you may only acsess the pet shops in the other playgrounds (any other playground that isn't toontown central) if your a member. Hope this helps! -Duhthatsright

How do you open your doodle catalog on toontown?

There isn't one, just look in your regualar catalog every week for new doodle stuff. And if you are looking to buy one, go to the pet store.

Where do you find the doodles in toontown after you buy it?

After you buy your doodle it will be at your house and any friend house you go to (on Toontown). Your doodle can also appear in battle when fighting cogs, when choosing gags you can also see you doodle by pressing the button that says "SOS" on the far right it will then have "SOS" cards and your friend list, at the top will be your doodle's name; Example: "Muffin", "Tacos". Then click your doodles name and whichever action you would like it to do jump, play dead, dance, flip, beg (assuming you have bought these from Clarabelle's catalog). Good luck!

How do you take out your poodle on toontown?

First of all, it is a doodle, not a poodle. and u cant take them out, u can only play with them in your estate, or call them in battle.

Can you have more than one doodle in toontown?

No, each toon may only have one doodle. However, if you have more than one toon on your account, all of their doodles will be at your estate. You just can't call the extra doodles into battle.

How do you feed a doodle in toontown?

All you have to do is click on your doodles name. Then a thing shows up and it says (feed scratch call). Click feed. There you go you can feed your doodle. It only works if you have some jelly beans.

Will there be level 8 gags in the game toontown?

there was a survey a long time ago that said "How should Toontown be upgrade?" and there was a choice of characters, doodle, gags, and homes. Most said gags so I hope the creator is.P.S.- he is probably making them as we speak :)Im not sure only the owner of toontown knows. DISNEY!there was a vote in the toon town website and most people said gags.

If you already have a doodle on toontown how do you get another?

Sadly you cant buy 2 doodles on 1 toon because it will ask you to return your current doodle before buying other doodle. But if you make 6 toons you get more doodles in estate. Up to 6 doodles in estates. So remember you cant buy 2 doodles on 1 toon.

Is there a toontown on Wii?

no there is not toontown on wii there is only toontown on the computer

Are there toontown cheats?

There are toontown cheats look on youtube :) "toontown cheats"