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It's not. You have to trade it from a different game.


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Q: Where is torterra in Pokemon emerald?
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Where to get a torterra in Pokemon?

In all versions (except Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald Torterra cannot be found in these versions, for it was introduced in Generation VI) they require Grotle to evolve into Torterra, because Torterra can't be encountered in the wild. I recommend asking a nearby friend (if they play Pokemon), if they have a spare Turtwig for trade or put a Pokemon up for GTS asking for a Turtwig, Grotle, or Torterra.

What type of Pokemon is torterra?

Torterra is a Grass and Ground type pokemon.

Where do you see torterra in Pokemon diamond?

a trainer in victory road have a torterra

Where is torterra in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can only get Torterra from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

Is torterra in the Pokemon league?


What Johto pokemon is your?

I am a Torterra.

When did torterra become a Pokemon?

In pokemon diamond and pearl

Where can you find a Torterra on Pokemon Diamond?

You cant find a Torterra, you have to start off with Turtwig from the very start or trade a Pokemon with someone.

What is the best grass type Pokemon besides torterra legendaries and roserade which is optional in Pokemon pearl for the Pokemon league?

sceptile he was like omg he pwned my torterra and swampert

Where to see torterra in Pokemon heartgold soulsilver?

You have to beat the Pokemon league in Hoenn, Kanto and Johto. In Sinnoh, there might be some trainers who have Torterra.

What is the greatest team of Pokemon blaziken salamence lanturn torterra Gengar Metagross?

yes! i think it`s great. you have your own super strong Pokemon with your own stratagey. mine is torterra(lv.100), palkia(lv.88), lucario(lv.54), sceptile(lv.91, from emerald), and 2 more sceptile lv.91.