you can buy the TM thunderbolt in the rocket price shop in celadon city
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
Pikachu Learns ThunderBolt at level 26 (95 Pwr)(15 PP)
Yes, Dragonite can learn Thunderbolt. It learns it through the use of the Thunderbolt TM, which you can buy at the Celadon Game Corner for 4,000 coins.
TM24 (Thunderbolt) is located in the P2 Laboratory.
in order to get thunderbolt, you must have 4000 coins in the rocket game corner. then go to the vendor to the right and it will be the 3rd one down.
In celdon city game corner reward shop. :)
No you can not find TM. thunderbolt in the power plant. Sorry. But you can the second most powerful electric attack there, Thunder, along with the Legendary Pokemon Zapdos.
It should be able to you can buy the TM at the game corner exchange using your game corner coins.
raikou's most powerfull moves in Pokemon leaf green and fire red are hyper beam thunderbolt thunder rest
Thunderbolt is a move from pokemon
Thunderbolt is a move from pokemon
One place is the Celadon Department Store, where they sell Thunder. You can also use the Game Corner to get Thunderbolt.
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
Pikachu Learns ThunderBolt at level 26 (95 Pwr)(15 PP)
Yes, Dragonite can learn Thunderbolt. It learns it through the use of the Thunderbolt TM, which you can buy at the Celadon Game Corner for 4,000 coins.
You can obtain Thunderbolt at the Game Corner in Celadon City. It costs 4000 coins; you can either buy them (10,000 dollars for 1000 coins) or play for them. As an alternative, you can also get TM Thunderbolt at the Power Plant. Go East of Cerulean City and continue until you hit the body of water; Surf down and the Power Plant is on the South side of the route.Note: Lots of electric type Pokemon can learn Thunderbolt by leveling up.
Not in Pokemon leafgreen only in Pokemon Firered never ever in Pokemon leafgreen And in Pokemon firered it is rare in power plant not available in Pokemon leafgreen?