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The worlds worst mental asylum ever is Athens Lunatic Asylum

, It is mainly known for it's treatment towards patients and it's "Punishment" rooms, it has a history of guards beating and torturing prisoners and doctors encouraging patients to attack each other. A journalist interviewed the asylum's governor asking him how patients were treated and how well there methods worked, he replied saying that the asylum doesn't focus on one individual patient but puts people with the same mental state in a block and when they want to use treatment on the patients would choose someone from there block, he also said that there rate of success was superior to the amount of failures - but this doesn't seem to be what it says on patients records. At one point the prison held 279 patients, of which most suffered from Schizophrenia, but the asylum's spending rate had been dropped and they only had the capacity to house around 150 patients so the asylum chief decided instead of transferring the patients to different mental hospitals he was going to choose 20 of the most disturbed ill patients and surgically remove there brains for testing, and the patients bodies were buried on the prison grounds. When the building was inspected it was deemed as un-suitable

and depressing, the asylum suffered major critism

from the media, soon after there was a protest which lead to 17 prison guards being arrested, 4 of the asylum doctors were sacked and the building was completley

stripped bare and structurley


and this massive transformation of the building and how it was run changed the success rate dramatically, within 9 months of this transformation of the asylum nearly half of its patients were dis-charged

and officialy

stamped as cured, doctors believe this is because after this change it revealed who really was mental and who wasn't a doctor said that anyone who had to live in those conditions and be treated the way those in-mates

were would make anyone mentally unstable, today the asylum is ranked one of the top 5 most successful asylum in the world, the average stay then for a patient was life but today it is an average of 4-5yrs, this change has made the asylum a outstanding successful mental asylum.

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