National Park (1st prize), Route 42 (PokeGear Phonetical), Route 25 (Show Bill's grandfather a Staryu), and Seafoam Islands.
You evolve shelder with a water stone.
In order of how he wants to see them (based on Heart Gold and Soul Silver): Gold/Heart Gold: Oddish - Leaf Stone Growlithe - Fire Stone Pichu - Thunderstone Jigglypuff - Everstone Marill - Water Stone Silver/Soul Silver: Lickitung - Everstone Oddish - Leaf Stone Staryu - Water Stone Vulpix - Fire Stone Pichu - Thunderstone
You have to have the Engnima stone.
Wi-Fi Nintendo Event.
Eevee into Vaporeon. Really good Pokemon.
You evolve shelder with a water stone.
There is no such thing as a Incamia Stone.
In order of how he wants to see them (based on Heart Gold and Soul Silver): Gold/Heart Gold: Oddish - Leaf Stone Growlithe - Fire Stone Pichu - Thunderstone Jigglypuff - Everstone Marill - Water Stone Silver/Soul Silver: Lickitung - Everstone Oddish - Leaf Stone Staryu - Water Stone Vulpix - Fire Stone Pichu - Thunderstone
it evolves Pokemon
gloom does
You don't give it a stone...
You can get a water stone when you are able to play at the pokeathlon.A water stone there costs 2,500 points.The items the give out change every day.Also, you can only get one a day.