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Vasalkers Lair Is In Shadowfall

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Q: Where is the valsakar's lair on adventure quest?
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Were is the lair in adventure quest worlds?

type /join lair or goto map and click on lair

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Type /join lair

Where do you get wing in adventure quest world?

u get them by killing draconians at vasalkar lair

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You simply click the werewolf lair button and then get cursed and ta da you did it

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no you get it from a quest from galanoth in vasalkar lair the second to last quest

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You can get it from the red dragon in lair.

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In Vasalkar Lair. Galanoth sells it for mem.

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From the dragon slayer shop in /join lair

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Travel map, west of BattleOn, Obsidia's Lair

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At the upper part of dawfhold. In Vath's Lair.:)

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you go to the obsidia's lair in the map and there you click on the first tomb from the right.

On Adventure Quest where do you find nightshade?

first you must go to obsidias lair and on one of the tombstones you will find night shade