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you can only play the treasure hunt game when Rockhopper is here and you have the key

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Q: Where is the treasure hunt game on club penguin?
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Those penguin scare me... LOLOLOLOL

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What is the riddle in club penguin?

! Theres no riddle in clubpenguin ! Only riddle i know is the riddle for the treasure hunt on the adventure party 2011

How do you complete the club penguin candy hunt?

u stop playing the game and get a life

Where do you get the items in Club Penguin water hunt?

from around club penguin

Where in the last item in the water hunt in club penguin?

Where IS the last item in the water hunt in Club Penguin?In the water.

Where is all the things in the water hunt in club penguin?

go to you tube and type in club penguin water hunt 2010. It's what I did.

Where is the reacycling pin in Club Penguin?

You Have To Do The Scavenger Hunt On Club Penguin But The Scavenger Hunt Has Gone Away So The Pin Isn't There Anymore ;(

When was Treasure Hunt - U.S game show - created?

Treasure Hunt - U.S. game show - was created in 1973.

Where is rockhopper on his ship?

Rockhopper can be anywhere in club-penguin when he is docked or he can be offline. When rockhoppers ship is not docked then he is in his room The Captins Gautier's in that room there is the treasure hunt game and the notice book the key is in the book room in coffee shop if you don't have

What do you do with rockhopper's key on club penguin?

Rockhopper's key opens the Captain's Quarters of his ship, the Migrator. Whenever Rockhopper visits the island, you can access this room to play the game Treasure Hunt and, if you're lucky, you can find Rockhopper here.