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glowing on the floor at night add me matthew19122002 i have iggy

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Q: Where is the trap door on moshi monsters mission 6?
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Where is the trap door on moshi mission?

The trapdoor is on the middle of the volcano, where elder furi usually stands when he is there.

How do you trap a glump on moshi monsters?

you are the only one who can nobody can help you

Where can you get a venusfly trap on moshi monsters?

I think it is the market if u want to add me im christine1885

How do you buy a fly trap salad on moshi monsters and what street is it on?

You can buy food item and drink from the Gross-ery on Main Street.

What happened to moshi monsters fly trap game in the fun park?

it just randomly dissapeared but it will b back soon. Do i make sense?

How do you trap the glump for its id on Moshi Mission 4?

You put the branch over the hole on the path and the Glump will fall in. Then you will see the id on the floor and you click on it.

When did The Trap Door end?

The Trap Door ended in 1986.

When was The Trap Door created?

The Trap Door was created in 1984.

What is the duration of The Trap Door?

The duration of The Trap Door is 300.0 seconds.

When was Behind the Trap Door created?

Behind the Trap Door was created in 1984.

Is it safe to put the moshi monsters figures in the bath tub?

Yes, Buster Bumble-chops does, So why can't you?! Enjoy your Moshi-rific bath! Oh, and mums and dads, Don't worry. They won't trap water so it will keep your carpet and floor areas free of water! :)

What simple machine is a trap door?

A trap door is considered a type of lever, specifically a class 1 lever, where the fulcrum is located at one end and the load (trap door) is positioned at the other end. When the trap door is lifted or lowered, it relies on the lever principle to move.