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To find the Galactic HQ special key, you first need to fight Team Galactic at the three lakes. The last one being Lake Acruity which is blocked by some Grunts until you aquire the icile badge. Once this is done and you return to the HQ, there will be a grunt outside looking at a satellite dish talking to himself, approach him and he will run away dropping a galactic key :)

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Q: Where is the team Galactic special key?
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You find it in the Galactic Headquarters after they capture Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit.

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talk to all of the team galactic members outside of the building and one should drop a pokeball containing the key when he runs away

Where to get the special key to galactic ware house in Pokemon diamond?

simple answer go to Veilstone city and at the top right corner there is a team galactic building and in front of it there is a team galactic grunt talk to him and he drops the ware house key but here is a catch it breaks in the key hole after you use it and there is more doors so you have to find the galactic key... oh ya and one more thing the galactic key always works!

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the galactic key is in somewhere in the game N.M.I

How do you get in the galactic HQ in Pokemon diamond?

You will need Galactic key and this how to get Galactic key you will need to talk to a Galactic team mate by the Galactic HQ.

How do you get the special key in team Galactic building?

you have to go to the flaomora village and find the gate that is thesame when you got your starter pokemon and battle the galactic grunts and somoene will give you the key this is janbern P.alimes

How do you get the special key to unlock team glactics door in veilstone city on platinum?

You find it in the basement of the Galactic Warehouse

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Where can you find the special key to the doors in Galactic Veilstone building?

then complete the stages and battle some galactic team members to find your self facing a galactic boss, he will then tell you where jupiter is with the three pokemon

What do you do after you get the galactic key?

You are able to open those doors that say: It needs a special key in the Galactic Warehouse.

Where is the key for the team galactic veil stone building?

When you go to the team galactic veilstone building there will be a galactic grunt and you talk to him then he'll run away and he accidentally drops a key.