the space center is on the island were steves house is and where the 7th gym badge is in i dont remember the secret on how to get deoxys there
Next to the pokemon center in Mauville
lilycove city above the pokemon center
In Slateport City, to the left of the Pokemon center.
Pokemon center. With a friend,using a wireless adapter or a link cable
there is a little girl close to the space station in mossdeep.
There is no space center, that is in ruby, sapphire and emerald.
In Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald in Mossdeep City.
There's the space center in mossdeep city if that's what you mean.
You cannot get into space in Pokémon Ruby.
A sailor in the Mossdeep Space Center has a Sun Stone that he will give you if you talk to him he will give it to you.
You cant fly to space in Pokemon ruby,sapphire, or emerald. Though you can battle team aqua/magma in emerald at the space center hoped it helped!
What pokemon? jirachi
The super rod is found in Mossdeep City in the house behind the space center.
You can get into space by having a Latios or Latias leveled into 70, then talk to everyone in the space center and somebody will ask you if you want to go into the spce.That's all!!
Next to the pokemon center in Mauville
If you trade Pokemon between leafgreen and ruby ruby will have your leafgreen Pokemon and leafgreen will have the ruby Pokemon both in the party they will not be sent to the PC unless you personally walk to the PC and do so.