they can be anywhere. it is random in every game so you just have to keep tilting and watering until you find it. good luck!
It's totally random on every game so you'll just have to hoe and water the ground, however the secret square isnt on your farm.
Are you talking about the Harvest Moon DS game? If you are also talking about the watering team then, this might help. Blue Watering Team Karaf Press A while standing next to your watering pond Misty Fill your Watering Can 10 times Ceruleano Water a secret designated square of crop land Eviran Water a secret designated square of crop land Owen water a secret designated square of crop land. In Game 1, it was 4 squares up, on the eastern edge of the plot of land to the west of the Waterfall Roli Upgrade your Watering Can to Mystrile Level, then use it Maddie Find the Cursed Watering Can, then have it Blessed Chorori Water 1000 squares of crop land Walter Water 5000 squares of crop land Rainy Water 10,000 squares of crop land Joro Water 30,000 squares of crop land Potty Water 50,000 squares of crop land
The Special Field is in a cave behind the Waterfall. To get there you must remove the large boulders blocking the path. To do that you must get the Sword at the bottom of the Second Mine.
Breadfruit is a Spring crop that is used in cooking sweets.
well, breadfruit is just another crop. You can't buy a harvested breadfruit,but at Souffle farm in spring you should be able to buy the seeds for it.You can harvest it multiple times. Hope this helped!
Water a secret square of crop land.
It's totally random on every game so you'll just have to hoe and water the ground, however the secret square isnt on your farm.
Are you talking about the Harvest Moon DS game? If you are also talking about the watering team then, this might help. Blue Watering Team Karaf Press A while standing next to your watering pond Misty Fill your Watering Can 10 times Ceruleano Water a secret designated square of crop land Eviran Water a secret designated square of crop land Owen water a secret designated square of crop land. In Game 1, it was 4 squares up, on the eastern edge of the plot of land to the west of the Waterfall Roli Upgrade your Watering Can to Mystrile Level, then use it Maddie Find the Cursed Watering Can, then have it Blessed Chorori Water 1000 squares of crop land Walter Water 5000 squares of crop land Rainy Water 10,000 squares of crop land Joro Water 30,000 squares of crop land Potty Water 50,000 squares of crop land
When it is due for harvest.
it means reaping of crop
Harvesting means to take the crop after it is grown and use it for yourself or to sell. To take in a crop, or gather a crop, is to harvest it.
Secret Crops The secret crops are as follows:Spring - StrawberriesSummer - PumpkinsFall: - SpinachThese seeds are obtained by shipping 100 of each crop for that season. For example ship 100 carrots, sweet potatoes, eggplants and green peppers to get the secret fall crop Spinach. hope it helps
A crop harvest is also referred to as crop yield which is a measurement of how much is produced per area. Crop produce is the amount of crops that are yielded as a whole.
Normally they appear when you have a large space full of the same crop, a 4x4 square of the normal crops will go together to make a giant crop =)
well spanish brought slaves to harvest the cash crop tocacco and cotton
The term used to refer to the action of paying a landowner to plant and harvest a crop is "sharecropping".
to produce more crop