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Are you talking about the Harvest Moon DS game? If you are also talking about the watering team then, this might help. Blue Watering Team Karaf Press A while standing next to your watering pond Misty Fill your Watering Can 10 times Ceruleano Water a secret designated square of crop land Eviran Water a secret designated square of crop land Owen water a secret designated square of crop land. In Game 1, it was 4 squares up, on the eastern edge of the plot of land to the west of the Waterfall Roli Upgrade your Watering Can to Mystrile Level, then use it Maddie Find the Cursed Watering Can, then have it Blessed Chorori Water 1000 squares of crop land Walter Water 5000 squares of crop land Rainy Water 10,000 squares of crop land Joro Water 30,000 squares of crop land Potty Water 50,000 squares of crop land

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Q: How do you find all blue harvest sprites?
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you must find them ALL, well 60 of 'em anyway

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There is no cheat for all the harvest sprites. You have to earn them all.

How do you get all the harvest sprites in harvest moon ds cute? copy and paste this link, and it will lead you to find all the harvest sprites, and the rest of the site willhelp you with everything else on Harvest Moon Cute ds (and Harvest Moon ds)

How do find all the Harvest Sprites in Harvest Moon DS?

They are hidden. It is your jobs to find them. A lot of websites have them and where to find them listed.

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You have to find all of the harvest sprites

How can you find the secret harvest sprites in harvest moon ds?

I'm not sure what you mean by secret sprites, but here's a list of all of them and how to get each one:

How do you get marride on harvest moon ds?

u need to find 60 harvest sprites and see all heart events

Where is the harvest goddes on harvest moon DS cute?

you won't find her until you save all the harvest sprites, then when you throw a gift into the pond (if you look on the map, it's the square next to your farm) she will apeare!!!If you don't save all the sprites, then when you throw a gift in to the pond, she won't apeare!!!

Were can you find all the harvest sprites in harvest moon ds cute?

go to and on the side there should be something that says DS and should list some ds games. click on harvest moon ds cute and there is a button that says 101 sprites and it will tell you where all the sprites are. you can also google ushi no tane x6 and it will show you the same thing.

How many harvest sprites do you need for leia to accept the blue feather in harvest moon ds?

60. But she will not marry you unless you also complete all the other marriage requirements.

Where are all the harvest sprites can you tell me please harvest moon?

Here is a website, it's awesome, it has a list of all 120. There are more FAQ links ta the bottom. For most of them you'll have to do things, not just try to find them, but for the casino sprites, you find them around town.

How do you get all the harvest sprites in harvest moon?

Check Here.