There is one by a tractor in the country
There isalso one in the library
I'm pretty sure there is no secret item otherwise i would know.
It is in the catalog right now! Go take a peek! P.S it is a secret item......
Its a hack but i think catalog 100 or 1000 or 10000 is the catalog for the house
The clothes catalog in always going to be in the gift shop. There will be a new catalog approximately once a month.
Potpourri has an online catalog located on their website. The bottom of their website also has a link where you can request to receive a free catalog.
jcat is the secert catalog furniture!!Tell me u find it!!
There is NO secret catalog on the ice berg. The person who showed you a show on You Tube with a secret catalog on the ice berg is lying.
To find secret items in the catalog, click on EVERYTHING! Eventually, you'll find a secret item!
There is no secret catalog, but you might be talking about the Treasure Book, if you get a code coin/book, you can get 2 items (usaully) from there
You can tip the iceberg, but there is no "secret catalog."
well the 2011 catalog isn't out yet so well the 2010 catalog has secret clothing i have so much secret clothing
in the eye catalog in a secret place in the dojo
i do
The F.I.S.H catalog is an agent catalog where you can buy an spy outfit and find lots of stuff out about the psa (penguin secret agents)
its fake
Heres one I know. Did you no there's secret items in every catalog? Move your cursor around the pages of the catalog. When a hand appears, you have found a secret item! Click to buy it.