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I'm pretty sure there is no secret item otherwise i would know.

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Q: Is there secret items in the ninja catalog on club penguin?
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Is it true that there a new catalog on club penguin at iceberg?

Well there was one before but now they removed it,It used to have ninja items So the answer is no

Where is the amulet when you become a ninja in club penguin?

Go in the ninja hideout, and buy it from the ninja catalog.

Can you be a ninja and a secret agent on Club Penguin?

Yes you can be a agent and a ninja on club penguin.

When your a ninja on club penguin what can you do good?

When you are a ninja, you have access into the ninja hideout. If you are a member ninja, you also have access to the Martial Arts catalog in the ninja hideout and the fire dojo! In the Martial Arts catalog, you can buy furniture for your igloo or clothes for your penguin. But if you are not a member, all you can do is go into the ninja hideout.

What is the ninja catalog on clubpenguin?

It is a catalog on club penguin just for ninjas. you can find it in the fire dojo.

Club penguin how do you biuld an aulmet?

you dont. if ur a ninja u buy it in the ninja catalog.

Are there any hidden items in the ninja catalog?

no there isn't sadly

How do you smoke with the ninja aolfit on club penguin?

You have to buy the cloud wave bracers in the ninja catalog in the ninja hideout located by the dojo courtyard.

On Club Penguin is there a dojo shop?

Yes, in the secret ninja room. Your have to be a ninja first but you can get a dojo igloo, a ninja costume etc. There isn't that many items in the ninja catologe but as time goes on I bet there will be more things (and likely thing to retire) -Lightsky19 (member of club penguin since July 2007)

When will sensei be on cp?

Sensei will come on when Card Jitsu - Snow is released on club penguin or when the catalog in the ninja hideout will have new items. This will probably happen within the time of the this year.

Where do you find a gong on club penguin?

you will need to be a member and go into the ninja secret hideout and click the martial art works catalog then go right to the back and you will be able to buy the gong

Where is every single secret room on club penguin?

Dojo, under ground pool, secret agent head quarters, ninja room, iceberg (it is possible to tip the iceberg and get rare items)