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it looks like a mini brown waterfall.there is 1 north of the desert

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Q: Where is the sandy slopes in Pokemon emerald?
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What is a fast way to hatch an egg in Pokemon Emerald?

if you got an egg and you want to hatch it fast then get a mach bike and do sandy slopes that will reduce half of the steps and also keep a fire Pokemon with it and also do a lot of bike riding

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There are slopes that can be slide down. But some of those slopes cannot. The slopes which you can slide down where the ones with lesser height. Slopes with greater height cannot be used to slide down.

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in the safari zone by lilycove city in the sandy area!!

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Trapinch is located in the sandy area of the desert in Route 111. It shouldn't take long to find one.

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its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.

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You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.

How can you get up mud slides in Pokemon Emerald?

That is probably a wall which must be climber with the MACH bike. You can get it in Mauville City. Then , get a little speed and race up the wall. Hope I helped

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