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Q: Where is the safari game in Pokemon diamond?
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How do you get kangaskham on Pokemon diamond?

You get it in the safari game:)

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You can find a Toxicroak in the safari game.

Whaere do you get shroomish on diamond?

the safari game rrod54 the true Pokemon master

How do you find a TAUROS on Pokemon diamond?

go to the safari game in pastoria city

Pokemon Diamond wopper?

If your meaning Wooper. You get him in the Safari game. Located in Pastoria City.

Pokemon diamond where is skorupi?

You can find skorupi in the Safari game at the Great Marsh in Pastoria City.You can find Skorupi at the safari zone.

How do you get Pokemon number 47 in Pokemon Diamond?

You can find paras at the safari zone. It elvoves at level 24. Or transfer from another game.

Where can you get Pokemon 46 on Pokemon Diamond?

According to the pokedex you can get it in the safari game. (If you are talking about National Pokedex number 46, which is Paras).

How do you get scorupi in Pokemon Diamond?

You get skorupi in the safari zone in Pokemon diamond and pearl but is rare

Where is the safari in Pokemon diamond?

its in pastoria city

How do you get kangaskan in Pokemon Diamond?

in the safari zone

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