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Q: Where is the real duel academy?
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In yu-gi-oh gx who is the idol of duel academy?

Zane is the idol of the Academy. You get to duel him and become the king of the Academy when you duel Syrus and he uses his power bond card.

Is there a duel academy for Yu-Gi-Oh in the world?

You're kidding right? Do you think konami would actually make a duel academy with thier money? That's rich.:-/

Why Egyptian god cards and blue eyes white dragon are not allowed at duel academy in Yugioh gx?

Egyptian god cards and blue eyes white dragon are not allowed at duel academy in yugioh gx, because students could win easliy by using powerful cards. It is against the rules at duel academy, because the teachers can tell that those powerful cards can be use for cheating. if the student use a blue eyes white dragon or obelisk the tormentor on the duel field, it is very likely that the student will be expelled from duel academy.

Is there a code to get the sacred beasts in yugioh gx duel academy?

no there isn't

Do you have to have a duel disk like in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's to duel?

In real life you don't need a duel disk to duel.

Is there a yu gi oh gx online duel academy?

herues elementales

In yugioh gx duel academy are there any main menu cheat codes?


Where can you buy sacred beast cards?

you can get them when you purchase legendary colection 2 duel academy

Is ther a real duel disks?

yes but not like in the show, its just a toy but you can do a duel with it

Do duel disks exist?

yes,but not like the ones in the show.the real duel disk are really just toys but can be used in a duel

Is there a real duel academy?

Yes, of course! I went there actually, one time. I met Jaden too. I know, I didn't think he was real either, but I got his autograph, and then dueled him. Which I failed miserably at. Oh, and I met Jesse and Syrus and the rest as well.

Is there a real Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Academy?

No, there is not or will be a real school you would go to to learn Yu-Gi-Oh. Parents would not send their kids to a private school to learn how to play card games and hopefully make a living playing them.