Vermillion City (kanto)-Lt. Surge
Electric Type- mid 40s to low 50s. Ground Type Pokemon great against this gym.
go to the next gym leader.
Go to the forth gym!
lv 30
Yes, to get to the Electricity Gym
You cannot. You can only do so in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
there is no ninth gym. after the eight gym is the Pokemon league.
there is no 9th gym
there is no ninth gym leader in any Pokemon game
You CAN NOT become a Gym Leader in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver or ANY MAIN SERIES POKEMON GAME.
walk in
The gym is in Blackthorn City.The gym leader is Clair.
He has many types.
In Pokémon HeartGold, you can find the 3rd Gym Leader in Goldenrod City.
awww by beating the 7th gym
try beating the gym leader
there isn't one
its in azalea town