island? the fourth badge is in celadon
Beat the Gym Leader
It is attainable in poke mart after the 3 gym badge (i think)
by beating the fourth gym leader
Flannery's gym in Lavaridge Town.
island? the fourth badge is in celadon
You will have to defeat Bugsy in Azalea Town. He has bug-type pokemon.
The 4th pokemon badge is given by Erika the Celadon City Gym Leader.
Lavarage its in. ST4282
lv30 ( :
it is bugsy the bug type leader
In Mahogany town right from Etrack city
blackthorn city
It is your rival from Pokemon fire red and leaf green versions.
you have to get the cianwood gym badge and the olivine gym badge
Beat the Gym Leader
in Goldenrod city