There isn't really a Move Tutor in Crystal. But, there is a old guy that comes to the game corner every Wednesday and Saturday after you have beaten the Pokemon League Champion. He teaches Flamethrower, Ice Beam, and Thunderbolt. They all cost 4000 game coins.
There is only one Move Tutor in Pokemon Crystal. He can be found after the player beats the Elite Four and enters the Hall of Fame. Every Wednesday and Saturday he appears in the Goldenrod Game Corner.
you can only get it from the move tutor in Blackthron City
Flamethrower: Growlithe can also learn Flamethrower via the Move Tutor in Goldenrod City (Crystal only)
you can find the move tutor on route 221
the move tutor is in pastoria city where crasher wake's gym is at
There is only one Move Tutor in Pokemon Crystal. He can be found after the player beats the Elite Four and enters the Hall of Fame. Every Wednesday and Saturday he appears in the Goldenrod Game Corner.
you can only get it from the move tutor in Blackthron City
Flamethrower: Growlithe can also learn Flamethrower via the Move Tutor in Goldenrod City (Crystal only)
give a heart scale to the move tutor in blackthorn city
The move tutor is Crystal-only. Sorry :-(
In Pokemon Silver, Gold and Crystal, it can learn it only with the move tutor in Goldenrod City.
you can find the move tutor on route 221
MT stands for move tutor, MT02 happens to be Flamethrower. You can find the move tutor every Wednesday and Saturday in Goldenrod City by the Game Corner, but only after you beat the Elite Four. He also teaches MT01; Ice Beam, and MT03; Thunderbolt
the move tutor is in pastoria city where crasher wake's gym is at
The move tutor is on 2 island in the house next to the game place.
there is no move tutor on blue/red/yellow. move tutor 1st appears in 2nd gen. games
You go to Blackthorn city. There is a house with a move deleter, move tutor, Ultimate moves tutor and Grandma Wilma.