you can find it if you have the item finder look by the door where you first come in by the patoria city
After you see the girl missing the key go down until the only way to exit is through that little hotel check in place dont go in. in front of the door use the item finder and its there.
right next to the back of the hotel in valor lake place
you get the white flute by findering the suite key at the valor lakefront
there is no key for valor lake front
Go to the back of the hotel the second you get outside you should be able to find it using your item finder dowsing app.
The key is somewhere just past the south entrance hidden on the floor so use the itemfinder to find it.
right next to the back of the hotel in valor lake place
give it to the lady that lost it:P
use the dowsing machine near the suite
you get the white flute by findering the suite key at the valor lakefront
a lava cookie
there is no key for valor lake front
Go to the back of the hotel the second you get outside you should be able to find it using your item finder dowsing app.
The key is somewhere just past the south entrance hidden on the floor so use the itemfinder to find it.
you can find the suite key by first going to valor lakefront [ not the actual lake the place with the resturant] use the pokemon watch app number 4 go to the regisration counter and walk out of it in the north direction, walk 1 step turn left and press A. the lady will give u a lava cookie if u go inside her house and talk to her.
2 steps in back of the Hotel by Valor Lakefront(outside), there is a hidden Suite Key. Pick it up, and it will go to the Key Items in your bag. Then, further down by the lake, theres a woman whos last her Key. Give her the Suite Key and she'll go in her house. Follow her in and get a prize of Various types...
i heard that you have to have an AR. You Dont Need An ActionReply when you go outside of the lobby use your pokeradar it should be near the wall
if you have got HM rockclimb and have completed gym 6, go up all the rockclimb walls, and at the top of one, (i think, i found it ages ago!) you shall find a suite key. the woman will give you a prize.