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you get the white Flute by findering the suite key at the valor lakefront

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Q: How do you get the white flute in Pokemon platinum?
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Related questions

How do you get the yellow flute in platinum?

You cannot get the Yellow Flute in Pokemon Platinum. The only Flutes that are obtainable in Pokemon Platinum are the White and Black Flutes.

In Pokemon Platinum what is the white flute do?

The white flute I think attracts Pokemon. Later in the game you can also receive a black flute. The black flute on the other hand repels Pokemon.

Can you get the azure flute in Pokemon Platinum?

Yes, you can get the azure flute in Pokemon platinum.

Does the white flue summon areceas in platinum?

The white flute doesn't summon pokemons in Pokemon platinum. It just makes more Pokemon come. It could also mean the rare pokemons will come slightly more if you play the white flute.

What is the white flute on pokemon platinum for?

You can use it to bring pokemon closer. STOP BEING A BIG NOOB! =-)

Where do you get the azure flute on Pokemon Platinum?

where to find a azure flute without action replay and cheating in pokemon platinum

What flute do you use in Pokemon platinum to catch arceus?

the flute is the azure flute

Do you get a reward for finding the suite key in pokemon platinum?

Yes she does. If you find it (use Dowsing Machine) she will give you a White Flute. Only in Platinum though.

When do you get an azure flute in Pokemon Platinum?


How do you cach Arceus in Pokemon platinum?

the flute

How do you get the azure flute in Pokemon black 2 and white 2?

You cannot get the Azure Flute in Black 2 and White 2. Azure Flute is an item that is exclusive to the games of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

Can you get poke flute in pokemon platinum?

No, it is only available in the older Pokemon.