go inside the house on the island and talk to the guy and he will hand you a metal coat. (i have done this already and i used it on a scyther then i traded my scyther then it evolved) i hope you try that
Byron the gym leader gives you one on iron island when you the national pokedex and there is also one in the iron island cave near exit
it evolves when you give it a metal coat which is given to you by Byron in the house next to iron island after getting the national pokedex and then trade scyther with the metal coat to evolve it into scizor
On iron island's last room before the exit way in the back. go up in the empty room and you can find metal coat in the middle. You can use it on a steelix to trade, hold it, and evolve it
It doesn't evolve on a specific level. Scyther evolves when you trade it while it holds a Metal Coat. it evolves when you give it a metal coat which is given to you by Byron in the house next to iron island after getting the national pokedex and then trade scyther with the metal coat to evolve it into scizor
Give it a metal coat and trade it or go to Iron Island and you can find wild Steelix there. To get to Iron Island go to Canalave city and talk to the dude by the boat and he will ask you if you want to sail or something like that, and you can choose to sail to Iron Island.no onix evolves in pokemon ruby , saphire and emerald but i do not know what level it evolves , it might evolve by trade
The Metal Coat can be found on Iron Island.
iron island in the house
Get one at Iron island.
A Metal Coat can be acquired outside the Iron Island cave. You can get to Iron Island by talking to the sailor in Canalave City and he'll sail you there.
For Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, it's inside Iron Island.
go to iron island
On Diamond and Pearl you can find the Metal Coat on the Floor in Iron Island. In Platinum the Metal Coat can be found in the Iron Head Ruins also found in Iron Island (you will also find Registeel there)
first you have to go to Iron Island. then you go into the house that you see. when you get in there talk to Byron and he'll give a metal coat.
after getting the national pokedex go to the house on iron island and talk to Byron
Byron the gym leader gives you one on iron island when you the national pokedex and there is also one in the iron island cave near exit
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You get it In the old house on Iron Island after the elite 4 Byron gives it to u