On Bannan Island. You need to have killed all the enemies outside, then look around. She'll show up - in a rubber ring. Boomerang her. Fin.
you give it to the mermaid girl in molida island
Aroo is. Aroo is.
raises your shield's power, if you have one.
square circle triangle
whatever it is, you don't need it to finish the game.
He's a guy that wants the only mermaid in phantom hourglass then travels around in the seas
hit her with a boomerang and she will talk to you
To her sister the "Mermaid"!
you give it to the mermaid girl in molida island
give it to that guy who is caring for the mermaid
get the swordsmen scroll
You go back and just talk to her.
It's on Bannan Island. you have to kill all the monsters on that island and the mermaid should appear. hit her with your boomarang wen you see her
if you've done the mermaid sidequest on the old wayfarer's island, bring the letter to the mermaid, and she'll give you a wisdom gem.
phantom hourglass is released in 2007.
There is no windwaker. The windwaker is in the windwaker, the phantom hourglass is the key item in phantom hourglass
Leaf is a spirit of power in phantom hourglass