you need to open 1 of the 4 secret alfph rooms you need a escape rope & water stone & flash & ho-oh. hopfuly you can read unknoun.some of the exits you go to union cave & 1 is behind some water
you cant, you get red orb in soul silver & blue orb in heartgold from mr Pokemon after you defeat red at mt silver & after you get the kanto starteru cant it is only in soul silver but there might be a hack or action replay cheat heartgold has the blue orb for kyroger
in pokemon heartgold after you beat red and get your 2 starters you go to mr. pokemon and he'll give you the blue orb to kyorgre
In heart gold after catching Kyogre you will have the Blue orb. Get someone to trade you a groudon only then you can get the jade orb and catch raquazza
First off, the Red Orb has nothing to do with the Ruins of Alph on Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver. The Red Orb is used at the Embedded Tower to summon Groudon. This Pokemon can only be obtained in Pokemon Soulsilver.
You can get it after you get the national Dex. Then talk to Mr. Pokemon. You can only get the blue orb in Pokemon HeartGold. The blue orb activates Kyogre.i don't think you can ithink you got to have soul silver cuz i have soul silver and my cus has heart gold igot the red orb she got the blue one and then we traded them to each other so we can get both of the PokemonYou can't get the red orb in heart gold. You need to trade with someone from soulsilver or P/D/PT if you have Pokemon modifiergo to route 27 and talk to a personYou don't you get blue orb to get kyogreTrade and get get groudon you can get Rayquaza
In HeartGold you get a blue orb and in SoulSilver you get a red orb
No, you could only obtain the red orb in Pokemon Soulsilver and Blue Orb in HeartGold
You can only get red orb in Soulsilver.
I dont think you can
You cannot get the Red Orb on HG, only on SS.
You can't. You have to get Pokemon SoulSilver if you would like the red orb or trade with a friend. The red orb is only obtainable in Pokemon SoulSilver.
You cannot get the Red orb in Pokemon HeartGold. You can only obtain the blue orb. The red orb leads to Groudon and the blue to Kyogre. To get Groudon, you have to trade with someone to get it.
You cannot get the Griseous orb in Pokemon Diamond. You can only get it in Platinum, Heartgold, and Soulsilver and it is untradeable
You can't, you can only get it in heartgold.
no you can't you can only get it in heartgold
you can get the blue orb from mr. pokemon BUT you have too have too difrent pokedex and get a starter pokemon in pilet town :0