Once the man with the scar gets away, go back to the museum and there will be a message for you in the painting. Then, follow its instructions.
There is no key. Go upstairs to find the painting.
after you get the package of starry night you go toEARLY POPTROPICA ISLAND and the counter will give you the key to the black widows house on the countryside. You will find the counter at the POPART MUESUM. hoped that helped (: Peace out SUCKERS!
You can't find the key. Eventually it will just be given to you in the course of the game.
There is no key. The chest is just a distraction.There is no key, and the chest is never opened. Go to the painting upstairs.
Whatever it is, no one will ever know. There is no key. The painting is hidden upstairs.
You go to the inspector's house - the key unlocks the door.
You now have a key that fits a lock on Counterfeit Island, and you haven't found a key to the lock on the Inspector's house, so...
you go to early poptropica, and go inside the gray art place. there you talk to the lady in purple and get a key. the key goes to the locked house back in counterfeit island.
You use the key from the Curator to unlock the Inspector's house in the CountrySide.
The big house on the country side.
Once you get the key from the curator, go back to Counterfeit island and use it at the Inspector's house.
go farther in the island until u get a key (ps the key goes in the door)
There is no key to the chest, and it never opens. It is a distraction.
She warns you that there is a notorious thief at work on Counterfeit Island, and gives you the key to the Inspector's house in the Country Side.
Go back to Counterfeit Island and use it to open the Inspector's house in the Country Side. On the way, the street artist gives you a clue as to what to look for in the house.
go farther in the island until u get a key (ps the key goes in the door)
You get the key late in the game, after the activities of the first night. You do not have to look for it.