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the lockbox is up the dead guys butt

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Q: Where is the hidden lockbox on the gecko quest on Adventure Quest?
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WHERE would you tickle the gecko in adventure quest?

in the reip in the sky

Where is the lock box in adventure quest?

Click on the skull in the gecko's stomach

How do you get out of a gecko on adventure quest?

That drove me crazy but once i found the exit i laughed.The exit it above the Adventure quest sign in the middle bottom of screen.

How long to tickle gecko in adventure quest?

click it three times-but it will eat you

What do you do when you've gt the box in the geckos belly in adventure quest?

type in gecko nidae then click the draw to the left and click the gecko play the game and find out what the code is to get out

Where is the box in the gecko mouth in adventure quest?

this is pretty hard but i managed to find it its somewhere at the bottom of the screen so just keep clicking till u find it

How do you get out of the mouth of the gecko that you poke in Adventure Quest?

Poke around you will find a box where you can enter a password. To find it open the little slot to the left of it and read the book after clicking on the gecko find the gecko's name and enter it in the password box. You will find a feather, grab it and click around till he spits ya out. (and gives you a so-so armor)

Adventure Quest how do you get out of the frog?

It's a gecko, and you have to click a certain invisible thing, I think near the middle. Hover your mouse over until it becomes a hand. Then click, and proceed (you'll see what happens)

How do you get out of the gecko that you poke in Adventure Quest?

Wow people I'm up to 13 question just like this one i think I'll just add related questions so i won't have to re type from now on. Look at related questions (at bottom)

How do you get shrunk in the rip in the sky on adventure quest?

To get shrunk you must click on the gecko on the tree until it reacts. It will shirnk you and tell you how it used to be human, BUT *SPOILERS!!!* was severly wounded by an enmy, and was taken by the drakels to help. The drakels used their latest magiscience to help her, but were unsuccesful, They WERE able to transform her into a gecko to save her life, but she escaped before any testing could be done. You must then play as her and run away from the drakel who helped you, and open a box with a number code to escape the gecko.

How do you get out of the gecko in Adventurequest?

first, you click around the bottom of the screen until you come across a gadget. put the letters GB in it. then click on the left drawer. it should have a gecko in it. click on it and you should go to a quest. finish the quest and put in the code they gave you at the bottom. then click on the right drawer. it should have a feather in it. then click around the left side of the screen. the gecko will laugh. keep making him laugh until he lets you out. you will be able to buy gecko armor then.

Where do you tickle the gecko in adventure quest?

You need to tickle the gekko (by clicking) on the left hand side of it's mouth, at the top of the screen it will say three different words keep clicking until it says heeheehee then just keep clicking there and it will spit you out and you will get a pae armour (gekko armour) but you need 1000 gold to buy it and you need to be level 10. The gecko is in the rip of the sky. As soon as it says BWAHAHAHA! Pae will let you out