No. Gecko OS does not run burned wii games. It lets you run games from other regions.
no with the wii you can only play wii and Gamecube games
Yes, you can play nintendo wii games online.
No it is IMPOSSIBLE to play DS games on the Wii but you can play Nintendo Gamecube games with the Gamecube controller
You cannot play Wii games on any Nintendo DS system.
Go to the wii shop channel and you can buy them to play on your wii.
when you can play burned (backup ) Wii games on your wii.
You don't
No, you cannot
you need a software that burns and plays copied wii games
None of them - they are semi scams. They direct you to torrent sites that are free. If you want to download wii games use / or + rapidshare, megaupload or megashare. Also, you have to mod your wii to play burned games. I recommend you follow this guide step by step if you want to play burned wii games:
To play burned games on wii you could either... * Hard Mod- Using a chip of some kind that you open up the wii to install. * Soft Mod- You soft mod by putting getting the homebrew channel, then add the CIOS_installer and Backup Launcher apps to you homebrew channel, then you run the CIOS_installer then you go to Backuplauncher and play your burned games. -ITo play burned games on wii you could either... * Hard Mod- Using a chip of some kind that you open up the wii to install. * Soft Mod- You soft mod by putting getting the homebrew channel, then add the CIOS_installer and Backup Launcher apps to you homebrew channel, then you run the CIOS_installer then you go to Backuplauncher and play your burned games.-I
Of course. The Nintendo Wii can play Wii games as well as GameCube games.
It is a synonym to softmodding a wii and it lets you play imported wii games, burned/downloaded wii games and a lot of other cool things. If you consider trying it out you should check out this great guide:
Gecko OS is a cheating device used to hack Wii games.
Of course. You can play wii games & gamecube on wii
You can not play Wii games on your computer.
Of course. The Nintendo Wii can play Wii games as well as GameCube games.