In the Eterna City Condos. WARNING! The Chatot he trades you NEVER does what its told to!
The name of the "yellow haired" guy is Barry if you are talking about Pokemon diamond and pearl series.
You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex
in any pokemart near the counter.
Talk to the guy on the second floor of the Pokemon Center in Castelia City after doing +10 trades either by wireless or the Global Trading Center.
you go to the guy in cancave city in the house
No. all computer trades are final
go to a house in pastoria and this guy if you give him a Heart Scale he will teach one of your Pokémon a move. actually he trades shards 4 moves
Define 'gray guy', there are lots of special characters in Diamond
He is the Daycare Guy- he takes care of your Pokemon for a small fee
go to the Pokemon league and get a job
he is in jublife. if i am wrong someone else will provide an answer
They appear in Route 224 and 222 during the morning and day, but they have a 20% chance of appearance.You can also trade a buizel for a chatot but you can only do that in can do it in Pokemon diamond i done it that's how i saw it in my pokedexif you just want to see chatot you can go to a guy called Jeremy he has one hes just below hearthome just keep going downYou can also lure it in with a BOTTLE OF WIN!
go to the guy in Canalave City the house by the pokemart (diamond and pearl)
Your rivals dad.