He is in Pastoria in the house with the fat guy standing outside! REMEMBER you must have a heart scale in order to get a move!
you go to the guy in cancave city in the house
The name of the "yellow haired" guy is Barry if you are talking about Pokemon diamond and pearl series.
You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex
theres a guy in the ilex forest that teaches any of your pokmeon the move
In pastrana city there is a guy who teaches Pokemon moves back that your Pokemon forgot.Ö®
In pastoria city
undella town
the guy who teaches moves to Pokemon is in blackthorn city
there is a girl who will teach old moves for a heart scale in the house next to the pokemon center in mistralton city
go to the guy in Canalave City the house by the pokemart (diamond and pearl)
you go to the guy in cancave city in the house
I don't thikn there is a guy who teaches moves for heart scales bu there is one who teaches moves for shards in a house in snowpoint city. It's west of the gym, maybe slightly north-west. There is a guy that looks like a hiker, and an old man in the house. talk to the hiker dude.
i can tell u empoleon best moves which is metal claw, bubblebeam, hydro pump and if u go to the house near stark mountain there should be a guy there that teaches good moves and so u teach it hydro cannon
go to the city with the 6th gym leader there is a guy somewhere that will delete the moves
Go to the frontier access and you'll see a house. Inside the house, there will be three men, and they'll teach your Pokemon moves for BP (the first guy teaches thunderpunch, icepunch, and firepunch)
verdanturf town