There are different ones but you have to be in the University Neighborhood. You can play the people in the houses but if you want to have a sim join the house you have to request to join by asking a current member and becoming freinds with all the members.
Since Young Adult Sims can't get married at all, your Greek Sims can't get married either. Sims can't get married until they become Adults.
I'm sorry but you can't rob somebodies house on the Sims 2 you can on the Sims 3 but no not on the Sims 2.
It is IMPOSSIBLE on sims 2 but on sims 3 you can go to someone Else's house. Hope that helps!
you cannot build a 2 story house on sims 1
You can't. Only if you have the sims 2 university expansion. The it will say rent house or something
Since Young Adult Sims can't get married at all, your Greek Sims can't get married either. Sims can't get married until they become Adults.
I'm sorry but you can't rob somebodies house on the Sims 2 you can on the Sims 3 but no not on the Sims 2.
No there isn't.
It is IMPOSSIBLE on sims 2 but on sims 3 you can go to someone Else's house. Hope that helps!
on the sims 3 you can have 8 sims in one house, just like in the sims 2
you cant
you can make a house with 2 floors in both sims 1 and sims 2.
you cannot build a 2 story house on sims 1
You can't. Only if you have the sims 2 university expansion. The it will say rent house or something
Yeah, sims 1, sims 2, sims 3 but u have 2 buy it
can you upgrade your house on sims 2 pets on ps2 i dont think soo