there really is no location to find a giant Magikarp, just catch one ( higher the level, the better ) and take it to the fishing man below Vermillion and he will measure it. if it is bigger than your last one, he will give you a net ball. =in the toilet
only found in the toilet or loo
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Green, Giant,& Jumpy. The Green Giant was super jumpy today! :)
Many Pokemon are in the safari zone and they are: Nidoran Male, Nidoran Female, Paras, Parasect, Goldeen (good rod), Magikarp (any rod), Dratini (super rod), Pinsir, Kangaskhan, Doduo, Tauros, Exeggcute, Chansey, Venonat, Venomoth, Poliwag, Rhyhorn, Nidorino, Nidorina, Seaking, Slowpoke.
behind the door is leaf green u enter the Pokemon leaf green world
The third Pokemon game created is Pokemon Blue. It was created as an enhancement of Pokemon Red and Pokemon Green. However in the U.S. and outside of Japan the third Pokemon game is Pokemon Yellow, because Pokemon Green was never released outside of Japan.
Pokemon Rivals ( In Game): When you choose the male Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow: Originally supposed to be Green or Blue ( Blue in Japanese and Green in English) Pokemon Silver/Gold: Crystal Pokemon FireRed/Leafgreen: Leaf ( In the manga, it is still Green) Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: May Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: Dawn Pokemon Black/White: Hilda, one of two rivals is Bianca/Bel Pokemon Black 2/ White 2: Rosa/Mei