In Pokémon Gold, the fighting dojo master is originally found in Mt. Mortar. He uses a Hitmonchan and a Hitmonlee.
You can't get the badge to the fighting gym. You can however, fight the dojo master. He is in Mt. Mortar. When you beat him, he will give you a Tyrogue.
In Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver the Fighting Dojo Master can be found in Mt. Mortar. He is found deep in the mountain past a maze. Try to have an empty slot in your party as he will give you a Tyrogue for defeating him.
you have to get to the fighting dojo in saffaron on kanto
yes, after you beat red go to the fighting dojo and the karate king will be standing there with mr. fuji, you have a double battle and if you win mr. fuji leads you down a secret path in the fighting dojo and that leads to the house of memories lower rooms. there you will also meet team galactic leader Cyrus.
There are no Master Balls on the SS Aqua in trash cans in Pokemon Gold. A Master Ball is a rare Pokeball obtained from an in-game event.
You can't get the badge to the fighting gym. You can however, fight the dojo master. He is in Mt. Mortar. When you beat him, he will give you a Tyrogue.
In Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold and SoulSilver the Fighting Dojo Master can be found in Mt. Mortar. He is found deep in the mountain past a maze. Try to have an empty slot in your party as he will give you a Tyrogue for defeating him.
you have to get to the fighting dojo in saffaron on kanto
his is doing a poo
after going to the fighting dojo in kanto, go to the cave between Eucrateak and the ice gym one and go to the end, fight the guy at the end and you will receive Tyrouge
yes, after you beat red go to the fighting dojo and the karate king will be standing there with mr. fuji, you have a double battle and if you win mr. fuji leads you down a secret path in the fighting dojo and that leads to the house of memories lower rooms. there you will also meet team galactic leader Cyrus.
the fighting dojo the one were u would normally get hitmonlee or hitmonchan
There are no Master Balls on the SS Aqua in trash cans in Pokemon Gold. A Master Ball is a rare Pokeball obtained from an in-game event.
no.only if you trade from silver to gold
no you dummie
Ur a nerd