You get the Day-Care App from a man sitting inside the Day-Care. Just talk to him.
First,breed one Pokemon then exit the day care center go in again .=A man should be inside talk to him then he will give the breeding app.=
There should a guy inside the Day Care building, sitting at a table and he'll give you the Friendship App if he's there when you talk to him.
It's in a town
There is a Calendar Poketch app that says what day it is. It is obtainable by showing the professor in Sunyshore City a Pokemon with a serious nature.
it is in northwest solaceon town
First,breed one Pokemon then exit the day care center go in again .=A man should be inside talk to him then he will give the breeding app.=
There should a guy inside the Day Care building, sitting at a table and he'll give you the Friendship App if he's there when you talk to him.
u can tell by what the app "daycare checker" or the day care man
There are two ways to figure it out: Occasionally pass by the day-care. If the day-care man is in a different position than usually, then your Pokemon laid an egg. You can also get an app for your Poketch from a man in the day care. This app will tell whether your Pokemon has laid an egg, and what level both Pokemon are.
Pokemon Diamond? If so yes there is.
It's in a town
day care
as long as you want
If you put a male Pokemon and a female Pokemon in the Day Care in Solaceon Town, they will eventually have an egg. That is breeding in Pokemon Diamond+Pearl.
You go inside the Daycare house next to the Day care man and talk to the Day Care lady. You have to pay money to get your Pokemon back. If your Pokemon has had an egg, talk to the Day Care man and get the egg. Then, you can get your Pokemon back.
There is a Calendar Poketch app that says what day it is. It is obtainable by showing the professor in Sunyshore City a Pokemon with a serious nature.