at lt. surges city is go to the Pokemon fan club and talk to the fat guy in the middle of the room
Talk with the guy in the fanclub in Vermilion. He has the doll and will give it to you.
Aftnr u found the machine part for the powerplant speak to the copycats parents then speak to the copycat
Go to the Pokémon Fan Club and talk to the fat man. He will give you Copycat's doll.
To get the Magnet Train Pass, you must go to CopyCats house, it is on the street below the Magnet Train, and is a pink house. On discovering she has lost her clefairy doll, you must fly to vermillion city where the Pokemon Fan Club is. Talk to the guy standing next to the clefairy doll on the table. He will give you back the doll, you return it to Copcat, and voila! You have a magnet train pass.
Go into vermillion city, then go to the house with the person who talks to you about rahpidash and gives u a rarecandy, and sitting near that guy is a person with a clefariy pokedoll talk to him, after u have talken to copycat, and he will give u the doll.
in the vermilion fan club
Talk with the guy in the fanclub in Vermilion. He has the doll and will give it to you.
Aftnr u found the machine part for the powerplant speak to the copycats parents then speak to the copycat
Go to the Pokemon fan club- someone will have it there.
in vermelion city. the house above the gym leaders
Go to the Pokémon Fan Club and talk to the fat man. He will give you Copycat's doll.
fix the power plant problem,then go to the pokefan house in vermillion city,and talk to the guy and you obtain the doll.
in golden rod city and in saffron city but you need to find the copycats doll to get a ticket for it
You have to have beaten the Elite Four and sailed to Kanto. After making it to Saffron City, you should hear that copycat has lost one of her dolls. Go to Vermillion City and into the Fan Club and talk to the guy with the Clefairy Doll. Talk to him and he will give you the doll (only after you've talked to Copycat and she has mentioned her doll). Go back to Saffron and go to copycat's house (it is in the northern part of the city) and give her the doll and you will get the ticket.Find copycats doll
you need to go to saffron and go to copycats house and you find out she lost a clefary doll then you go to viridian city and go to the food place thing talk to everybody one guy will give you the doll (while your there talk to the garbage cans to get another leftovers) after you bring the doll back copycat will give you the rail pass and you can use the train
To get the Magnet Train Pass, you must go to CopyCats house, it is on the street below the Magnet Train, and is a pink house. On discovering she has lost her clefairy doll, you must fly to vermillion city where the Pokemon Fan Club is. Talk to the guy standing next to the clefairy doll on the table. He will give you back the doll, you return it to Copcat, and voila! You have a magnet train pass.
The duration of Copycats is 1800.0 seconds.