In Goldenrod city, but only in the Japenese version of Pokemon Crystal.
In the Pokemon Crystal games released for the Gameboy Color only the Japanese version could've received it by going to the Pokemon Communication Center after linking a Mobile Adapter with the games and beating Blue but the Communication Center's wireless services were later disabled. In the Virtual Console version of Crystal all versions can receive the GS Ball the Japanese version needs to go into the Communication Center while other versions have to go into the Goldenrod Pokemon Center however you need to beat Lance before you can get the GS Ball in the Virtual Console version.
Pewter city pokemon center
Directly south of Goldenrod City.
use the time capsule upstairs in the Pokemon center
It is in Olivine City and in the house next to the Pokemon Center. Someone will give it to you when you talk to him.
In the Pokemon Crystal games released for the Gameboy Color only the Japanese version could've received it by going to the Pokemon Communication Center after linking a Mobile Adapter with the games and beating Blue but the Communication Center's wireless services were later disabled. In the Virtual Console version of Crystal all versions can receive the GS Ball the Japanese version needs to go into the Communication Center while other versions have to go into the Goldenrod Pokemon Center however you need to beat Lance before you can get the GS Ball in the Virtual Console version.
You get it from someone as en Egg in the Pokemon Center in Violet City.
Pewter city pokemon center
In the house beside the Pokemon center in olivine city
It is upstairs in any Pokemon center.
In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, you can obtain a Metal Coat by talking to the man inside the Pokemon center in Olivine City. He will give it to you as a gift.
Directly south of Goldenrod City.
use the time capsule upstairs in the Pokemon center
It is in Olivine City and in the house next to the Pokemon Center. Someone will give it to you when you talk to him.
In the Pokemon center in ecruteak city When you enter the ecruteak city Pokemon center bill will come down from upstairs then he will return to his house in goldenrod city
Coins are found in the game center. You can try to win them, or just buy them.