You can't in Fire Red or Leaf Green. You would have to trade the item over from Emerald or Ruby and Sapphire.
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.
To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM
battle tower 48 bp
Yes there are shiny Pokemon in firered
The Choice Band can be bought from a vendor on Pokemon Platinum in the Battle Frontier for 48 BP. To get BP simply take part in the various special battle arenas within the Frontier.
By using the directional-pad on your system of choice
Charizard is the best choice
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.
There is no Pokemon convention in firered.
To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM
battle tower 48 bp
Yes there are shiny Pokemon in firered
To get a Totodile in FireRed you must trade it over from Emerald version. To get the Totodile in Emerald you must first complete the Hoenn PokeDex and you will be given a choice of three Pokemon: Totodile, Cindiquil and Chikorita.
The Choice Band can be bought from a vendor on Pokemon Platinum in the Battle Frontier for 48 BP. To get BP simply take part in the various special battle arenas within the Frontier.
It is not possible to get a ninth badge in Pokemon FireRed. You can only get eight badges in Pokemon FireRed.
You cannot get it in Pokemon FireRed. It doesn't matter because it is not necessary in Pokemon FireRed.
There is no Pokemon colleseum in Pokemon fire red If you are talking about trainer tower it is the place where you select a Pokemon of your choice and battle trainers on every floor. You get a prize if you beat all the trainers