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You need to have a ditto and infernape. Put the in the day care in solcean town. Then they will have a Chimchar Egg. Talk to the old man outside of the day care. You can find ditto in route 208. Use the poke radar. Go to the shiny patch of grass. If you dont have the National Pokedex it wont work.

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Q: Where is the chimchar egg?
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How do you get a chimchar egg on Pokemon diamond?

You must breed a Monferno or Infernape with a Pokemon to get the chimchar egg.

Can you make an chimchar egg by breeding Lucario and buneary?

no you can't because if you wanted to make a chimchar egg you would have to breed a female inferape with a male alakazam.

Can ditto make egg with a ifernape?

absolutely tho the baby will be a chimchar :)

In Pokemon pearl how can you get a chimchar egg with a female Infernape?

breed it with a ditto

How many steps until a chimchar egg hatches?

Well im not to sure if its differant for each type of egg but my riolu egg hatched in about 6,600 steps.Hope this helps.Bulbapedia says it takes 5355 steps to hatchimproved:i breeded infernape with ditto and my chimchar egg hatched at exactly 5323 steps

Can you find chimchar in stark mountain?

No, chimchar can not be find in wild, if you want one put a ditto and if your starter is chimchar and now is infernape put them both in daycare to make an egg and it will hatch a newly chimchar

How do you get infernape in Pokemon HeartGold?

Well for me, I got my brother (he plays pearl) to trade me a chimchar egg. Then I hatched it, and evolved my chimchar twice. Tip: Chimchar to monferno= lvl 16. Monferno to Infernape= lvl 36.

How does chimchar learn blaze kick?

Chimchar can learn the move Blaze Kick from breeding. Simply breed a male Hitmonlee or Blaziken that knows Blaze Kick with a female Chimchar. The resulting Chimchar that hatches from the egg should now have Blaze Kick as one of it's moves.

How many steps do you need to take so the chimchar egg hatches?

It takes 5,376 steps for a chimchar egg. And If You have A Pokemon with Both Magma Armor And Or Flame body, 5,376 Steps Become 2,688. If You want Email Me At: or go to for more hatching egg steps.

How long does it take for a Ditto and a Infernape to make an egg?

1-10 minutes the babey will be a chimchar

What is the step by step process in order for Chimchar to learn Blaze Kick and Fighting type Egg Moves in Pokemon X and Y?

One option with having Chimchar learn Blaze Kick and other Fighting-type Egg Moves is by having a male Blaziken that knows Blaze Kick and Double Kick and then you can put the male Blaziken and a female Chimchar (or one of its evolutions) into the Daycare which will result into a Pokémon Daycare which will hatch into a Chimchar (of which you want to be female) that knows Blaze Kick and Double Kick and then use the female Chimchar with Blaze Kick and Double Kick and you could opt to go with a male Slakoth or Lucario that already knows Counter at which point putting a female Chimchar and male Slakoth into the Daycare would result in a Pokémon Egg that would hatch into a Chimchar that knows Counter, Double Kick and Blaze Kick.

How do you get two chimchars on Pokemon Diamond?

first get a infernape and ditto then put them both in daycare you might get a chimchar egg