To become a chef on Club penguin, Simply buy the Pizza Apron, and the Chef hat. Once your penguin have ut both (or an single one by itself) simply dance and it should flip a pizza!
poo wank
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.
To become a chef on Club penguin, Simply buy the Pizza Apron, and the Chef hat. Once your penguin have ut both (or an single one by itself) simply dance and it should flip a pizza!
The code is MC52DNQXM.
It can sometimes be in the catolog and if you get the chef's hat you can get a special action that you can do
poo wank
go on clubpenguin become a chef and find out ure self.
just be a LIKE a chief and then over the years you will be a chief
the chef hat is no linger on club penguin. sorry!
The Chef Hat is a Members only item in Club Penguin. It hasn't been available since July 2013. It might be in a future catalog.
the penguin is in the dojo lara 09
you must buy it when it's available. it is not secret (or at least it wasn't when i got it)
Hi! The Penguin for the clouds Is at the iceberg Look through the whole iceberg! Hope that helped!
There are codes but you would have to get yourself or you make 40 pizzas in a row and earn it