On the east side, through the white fence, through some thick grasses and a hollow log. There will be rocks in front of it, if you have not yet encountered Cobalion in its cave on Route 6.
you find cobalin in mistralation cave, virision in pinwheel forest, and terrakin in victory road
In Pokemon White version, moon stones can be found: -Pinwheel Forest (From Lenora) -Twist Mountain -Wellspring Cave (Dustcloud) -Chargestone Cave (Dustcloud) -Mistralton Cave (Dustcloud) -Twist Mountain (Dustcloud) -Challenger's Cave (Dustcloud) -Victory Road (Dustcloud) -Giant Chasm (Dustcloud)
If you are talking about the rocks in Pinwheel Forest or Victory Road, these are only removed once you encounter Cobalion in its cave, on Route 6 (needs Surf).
The small boulders can not be move unless you catch Cobalion (Mistralton Cave, Steel/Fight, level 42). When you catch it, the blocks won't be there anymore and you'll be able to catch Terrakion (victory road, Fight/Rock, level 42) and Virizion (Pinwheel Forest, Grass/Fight, level 42). This also works in Pokemon White.
In Pokemon Black and Pokemon White, you can find Rare Candies in Route 2, Route 13, Route 16, Nimbasa City, Mistralton Cave, Chargestone Cave, Anville Town, Victory Road, Abundant Shrine, Lostlorn Forest and N's Castle, with the Dowsing Machine in Route 3, Pinwheel Forest, Desert Resort and Twist Mountain, in Icirrus City during the Winter time only and you can also get it as a prize for beating all of the trainers on the Royal Unova on Sunday.ORWhenever the cheat codes come out for Pokemon Black and Pokemon White (In your case). You can get the cheats off there. I do NOT know when the cheats will come out for this game but the sooner the better.
you get it in pinwheel forest after you get Cobalion in mistareation cave
You can catch it in Pinwheel Forest. But you must first encounter Cobalion in Mistralton Cave to encounter it in Pinwheel Forest.
you first catch/defeat a coballion (mistralon cave), and then look around pinwheel forest
You catch it in the Pinwheel Forest but only after you have caught Cobalion, which is at Mistralton cave ok, but what if you already beat it. then what do you do?
you find cobalin in mistralation cave, virision in pinwheel forest, and terrakin in victory road
In a cave in Victory Road after you have caught cobellion (found in mistralion cave after the old guy by the house moves) and virizion (in pinwheel forest after catching cobellion).
you first have to catch/defeat the legendary pokemon cobalion in mistralion cave you catch virizion in pinwheel forest
Reshiram (N's Castle) Cobalion (Mistralton Cave) Virizion (Pinwheel Forest) Terrakion (Victory Road) Kyurem (I forgot) Thunderus (Roaming Unova)
In Pokemon White version, moon stones can be found: -Pinwheel Forest (From Lenora) -Twist Mountain -Wellspring Cave (Dustcloud) -Chargestone Cave (Dustcloud) -Mistralton Cave (Dustcloud) -Twist Mountain (Dustcloud) -Challenger's Cave (Dustcloud) -Victory Road (Dustcloud) -Giant Chasm (Dustcloud)
In a clearing in pinwheel forest at level 42. Unfortunately, It's blocked by boulders until you catch cobalion in Mistralton Cave, which is off of route 6.
If you are talking about the rocks in Pinwheel Forest or Victory Road, these are only removed once you encounter Cobalion in its cave, on Route 6 (needs Surf).
You get it from a Dustcloud in these areas: Wellspring Cave, Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Twist Mountain, Challenger's Cave, Victory Road, and Giant Chasm. You can find it by someone giving it to you, on the ground, or using the Dowsing Machine: Pinwheel Forest (From Lenora), and Twist Mountain.