kyurem isn't in a castle. it is in the giant chasm. get to the center with a crater, and then there will be a huge blizzard. go straight up to the stairs, and go in the cave, where kyurem is.
no its black
Yes you can fuse Pokémon however this is only possible in Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2. Using the DNA Splicers, you can fuse Kyurem and Zekrom to make Black Kyurem and Kyurem and Reshiram to make White Kyurem.
Of course you can 2nd answer: the only nonunova legendaries you can catch are heatran, latias (white 2), and latios (black 2). You need to make black kyurem (black 2) but white kyurem (white 2) can't be traded. However, if you don't have black kyurem, you can make white kyruem, but only if you've caught kyruem.
You get ditto when you go to the Giant Chasm they are found at level 50 and up there that is also where you get Kyurem.
Here's a list of all Dragon-type Pokémon confirmed so far:DratiniDragonairDragoniteKingdraVibravaFlygonAltariaBagonShelgonSalamenceLatiasLatiosRayquazaGibleGabiteGarchompDialgaPalkiaGiratinaArceus (with the Draco Plate)AxewFraxureHaxorusDruddigonDeinoZweilousHydreigonReshiramZekromKyurem (also Black Kyurem and White Kyurem)NoivernMegaAmpharos (Mega-evolution of Ampharos)
You get Black Kyurem (Kyurem and Zekrom)
The two on the box cover art are White Kyurem and Black Kyurem.
Yes, Black Kyurem is available in Pokémon Black 2 but it's not available for catching. You will be able to get Black Kyurem under your possession later by beating N in the ruins of his Castle in the Victory Road and then catching Zekrom in the Dragonspiral Tower and then finally catching Kyurem in the Giant Chasm and receiving the DNA Splicers.
No, Kyurem isn't in Pokemon Gold. It is only available in Pokemon Black and White.
Kyurem is a dragon ice Pokemon in the game Pokemon Black and White. It has the pressure ability and does not evolve.
no its black
Yes, there is. But only 2. The first one is Kyurem Black form, and the next one is Kyurem White form. You can find Black Kyurem in Black, and White Kyurem in White.
Black Kyurem and White Kyurem do not exist in Pokemon Black and White, in Pokemon Black2 and White2, they exist.
Black Kyurem is in Pokemon Black 2.
In Giant Chasm there is the legendary pokemon, Kyurem.
genosect kyurem and meloetta
Aside from the new Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, The Pokemon Company has yet to release any information on whether there will be any new Pokemon or not.