Here's a list of all Dragon-type Pokémon confirmed so far:
Haxorus is only Dragon type, and as with all Dragon type Pokemon it's weaknesses are Ice and Dragon. I would recommend not using a Dragon type Pokemon though because you leave yourself open to high damage from Haxorus' own dragon type attacks.
Steel-type and Dragon-type moves are supper effective on dragon-type Pokemon :)
Dragon type moves are only super effective against Dragon type Pokemon.
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
A pure dragon Pokemon is only super-effective against other dragon Pokemon. However, due to their insane stats most dragon Pokemon can take on all of the other types. Just as a reminder, dragon Pokemon are weak to ice and dragon type moves, and resistant to electric, fire, grass, and water type moves. This answer only applies to pure dragon Pokemon. Extra types such as flying/dragon, will have more weaknesses and strengths.
Druddigon is a Dragon type pokemon.
Haxorus is only Dragon type, and as with all Dragon type Pokemon it's weaknesses are Ice and Dragon. I would recommend not using a Dragon type Pokemon though because you leave yourself open to high damage from Haxorus' own dragon type attacks.
dragon Pokemon are weak against ice attacks as well as dragon type attacks.
Dragon type Pokemon are weak to dragon type and ice type attacks.
Steel-type and Dragon-type moves are supper effective on dragon-type Pokemon :)
Dragon type moves are only super effective against Dragon type Pokemon.
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
Dragon type Pokemon can be found in the Dragon's Den in Johto.
Dragon-type moves are super effective against Dragon-type Pokemon.
A pure dragon Pokemon is only super-effective against other dragon Pokemon. However, due to their insane stats most dragon Pokemon can take on all of the other types. Just as a reminder, dragon Pokemon are weak to ice and dragon type moves, and resistant to electric, fire, grass, and water type moves. (This answer only applies to pure dragon Pokemon. Extra types such as flying/dragon, will have more weaknesses and strengths)
A pure dragon Pokemon is only super-effective against other dragon Pokemon. However, due to their insane stats most dragon Pokemon can take on all of the other types. Just as a reminder, dragon Pokemon are weak to ice and dragon type moves, and resistant to electric, fire, grass, and water type moves. This answer only applies to pure dragon Pokemon. Extra types such as flying/dragon, will have more weaknesses and strengths.
Dragon type moves are only strong against dragon type Pokemon.