Cerulean cape is the area north of Cerulean City. It is just north of the bridge that connects the cape to Cerulean City. The cape is any land that is above the Bridge that connects the cape to Cerulean City.
in the Pokemon league
at the end of the cerulean cape (route 25)
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
You CANNOT LEGALLY download Pokemon Soulsilver.
After defeating Blue, go to Cerulean Cape between 4:00 PM and 6:00PM unless Suicune is there.
A fashion item that is contained in your case.
in the Pokemon league
at the end of the cerulean cape (route 25)
Go north of Cerulean City, across the bridge.
Misty is at the Cerulean Cape. It's close to Cerulean City.
After you get to Kanto and talked to Eusine, go to the cape outside of Cerulean.
he runs away but go to cape brink,you'll see it at the top of cerulean city in kanto.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
he is not in Pokemon soulsilver or Pokemon heartgold
POKEMON SOULSILVER come with a poke walker and the Soulsilver game
Pokemon soulsilver and Pokemon heartgold are basically the same game just different versions but i do recommend buying Pokemon soulsilver