

Best Answer

Ok no. 1

The Beach... when u go there, click on a tree,a choco bar appears.

No. 2

Simple really... Snow Forts once again in a group of trees

No. 3

The iceberg or icepumpkin...over near the northern lights is a little red bulge click on it.


Gift Shop under a hair piece


The Pizza Parlor of course... the round pumpkin on the organ


this one is lodge near ur pumpkin basket above the chimney in the picture frame is a little box/the sweet

No. 7

the plaza green and a toffee apple appears

No. 8

the final lolly is at the top of the light house. near the binoculers is a green lolly instead of a pole.

Enjoy Your Sweet Hunting

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Q: Where is the candy for Halloween in club penguin 2010?
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Where is the all the candy for the Halloween party in club penguin 2010?

Go to and type in Halloween party 2010. This will bring you to a video with all the secret hiding places.

Where is the 6th candy on club penguin Halloween party 2010?

In the ski lodge on the right in the frame. The brown thing

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For Halloween scavenger hunt 2010. The third candy is a lolly pop. It is at the iceberg(hidden on you map) behind the stem of the Pumpkin. Good luck! By Fluffy14183 I'm a member on club penguin

Where is the Halloween party in club penguin for 2010 for the stamp?

A Party is everywhere on club penguin.

When is the Halloween party on club penguin in 2010?

31 of october

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It is officially gone.

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For the 2010 candies there is no candy at the dojo. By Fluffy14183

Where are the candies in the club penguin Halloween candy hunt 2011?

the book at the top of your screen will give you clues

Where is the swimming candy on Club Penguin?

This could be an old rumor. However, at Halloween 2007 there was a candy you could see through the binoculars. It was the last candy of the candy hunt.

Where is the 6th candy club penguin 2010?

In the ski lodge in the mirror.

How do you find the ghosts on Club Penguin?

During the halloween party piles of candy are all over club penguin. When you scroll over some piles your mouse changes to the hand mode. click the candy and a ghost will pop out. Click the ghost.

Where is all the candy on club penguin in 2010?

the beach the iceburg the pizza parlor