with any console controller now the analog sticks will click down. With the PS3 havine R1 and R2, R3 is when you click down the right analog stick and L3 is the the Left analog stick used as a button.
Right joystick. R3 typically refers to the right joystick on a Playstation controller.
You push down the right toggle
The PS3 does not have a AOSS button
the l3 is the left anolog stick pressed down. same with right analog stick.
You press the R3 button when you press down the right analog stick.
R2 and R 3 on the following systems do the following: Playstation 1: R2 is a game control located as the button on the back of the controller and R3 is the analog stick on the right side. R3 is used when you push down the analog stick playstation 2: same as playstation 1 PSP: there is no R2 or R3 Playstation 3: Same as playstation 1
It's the right stick pushed in
Right joystick. R3 typically refers to the right joystick on a Playstation controller.
You push down the right toggle
The PS3 does not have a AOSS button
R3 is when you click the right Analog in, in other words push the stick down. Not like the direction like if you would pull it up push it down and it makes a click
circle button
the l3 is the left anolog stick pressed down. same with right analog stick.
You press the R3 button when you press down the right analog stick.
the Aoss is located on your router and the PS3 does not have a router and does not have a button.
For the Playstation 3, press L1. For the Xbox 360, press the same button in the same spot as the Playstation 3 :)
push the left analog stick down on the controller an you will hear a click, that is the L3 button