It's in Cerulean City. You get the Bike Voucher from a guy in Vermillion City,
In Cerulean City. You have to go talk to the Pokemon Fan Club Chairman in Vermilion to get the bike voucher before you can get the bike though.
There is no bike shop. I for got where you get it from but I do have it.
The bike shop is in Eterna City.
In a shop
The Bike Shop is located in Goldenrod City.
In Cerulean City. You have to go talk to the Pokemon Fan Club Chairman in Vermilion to get the bike voucher before you can get the bike though.
go down to the pokemon fan club near where you get your 3rd badge talk to the old man about his rapidash hell then give you a bike pass take that to the bike shop owner then you have a bike
By bike
Goldenrod city, on the right hand side. There is a little path about halfway through town that you follow over and down, and the bike shop is right there.
There is no bike shop. I for got where you get it from but I do have it.
the vermilion Pokemon fan club
The bike shop is in Eterna City.
go to vermilion city and go to the Pokemon fan club talk to the chair man, and he'll give you a bike voucher. go to cerulean city and go to the bike shop and he'll give you a bike. PS- DONT WASTE 1,000,000 POKEDOLLARS ON A BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get to Vermilion City and find the Pokemon fan club you can't miss it its a green building with a sign next to it there is a chairman of the club talk to him and listen to his story about his rapidash once he is done he will give you a bike voucher show this to the bike shop in cerulean city to get a free bike.
In a shop
The Bike Shop is located in Goldenrod City.
The Bike Shop...........